New to zoophilia


So I have a female dog, and she is very small so penetration is a no go. But I was wondering how safe her licking my dick is? can It get infected? Should I just wear protection and be good? Sorry for the noob question
unless you have some immunity problems or you let her lick you right after she put something nasty in her mouth, i think your dick won't fall off. also, this is more of a "how tos" section question and i be damned if this very thing wasn't asked multiple times there. "our animal companions" and it's subsections are for chat about our partners and their health... if it isn't obvious from the name.
Licking isn't generally an issue for most people. Unless like @nekdoneco123 mentioned, you have a very compromised immune system, then it's pretty safe for not only you, but also your doggy partner. Penetration is more my game, but only one dog I've had lick my junk didn't like the taste of my semen, the rest loved it. So usually if you don't add peanut butter, or any other various "cheats" in the mix, usually dogs will learn to associate licking with a nice cum treat.