new catpanion!


this past weekend i adopted a cat, a beautiful dilute tortie. she is the sweetest thing, so loving and talkative, much different from my other cat, who is quiet and rather independent. last night we kissed a bit, she started licking at my mouth and i licked her back >//< she wants constant attention, meowing and pawing and rubbing against me, and im more than happy to give it to her! my established catpanion is pretty pissed, though... she attacked the new kitty after she somehow managed to slip into my bedroom, where i had her isolated for the time. i hope to gradually introduce them, but they seem to be rather jealous of each other for now ;;
Cats can be... well... dicks. I'm not saying this as a person that dislikes cats, quite the opposite actually. I grew up with loads of cats and cherished every kitty throughout my childhood. Gradual introduction is indeed the best method. Let the two get used to each others scent for 1-2 weeks but keep them separated by a door. You'll also want to grab a couple of towels for them both to sleep on. Once they've slept on them switch the towels out every day or two so that they'll sleep on each other scent. Once everything has clamed down slowly introduce them to each other. Make sure you have plenty of toys and treats to divert any aggressive behavior. Make sure you give them both equal attention.

Besides that I would just look towards the internet for tips and trick. What might work for a set of two cats may not work for another. You'll just have to play things by ear to make sure one of the kitties doesn't lose one. Usually the first month is a little rough, but generally things will iron itself out. One they get to the point of not trying to murder one another expect them to play fight for about 3 months to establish the alpha cat amongst each other, that's normal.
Split your attention equally to both of them and over time play with them both at the same time. Our cat stopped talking to us for half a year when we brought another one in the house. :D