My intro…

Thank you KnotWifey, everything you're writing is really inspiring! Reading your posts and all their comments is very helpful.

Although I didn't think much of it when I first started exploring my sexuality growing up, something about dogs and horses was just really arrousing to me. I experimented a little with our male dogs and horses we had, but I was afraid that no one would understand if I told them about it. So, before, and even after, I found this community, I thought the chances of finding a partner with similar sexual intrigues was all but impossible. I'm able to bury these thoughts and feelings for months here and there, but eventually I give in and have a blissful moment enjoying this part of me until the intense feelings of guilt start the cycle over again.

But your story has helped me realize that there are actually many people like me, who have the same intrigues as I do, and the judgements of a partner shouldn't be what keeps us from understanding and accepting all the parts of who we are.

Thank you for helping me realize that by sharing your journey :)
It is a hugest pleasure and you’re most welcome. I am really glad if any of what I said or posted or even comment ánywhere have helped you in any way. Yes, I believe one should never stop pursuing one’s dreams or desires especially if and when it comes to our sexuality just cause a partner is not supportive or into the same. Always explore more and as far as you’re willing to go and feel comfortable with. If I had to meet my husband’s demands or believes I would be one very unhappy woman and our marriage and relationship with each other would have suffered immensely and I’m pretty sure he would have felt that just as much and would be just as unhappy, maybe even more. All that said, I still wish I can just get him to be supportive in this one ultimate desire of mine to have full on sex with animals and especially with dogs. My biggest desire is still to have full vaginal penetrative sex with a dog or even better, various dogs… It’s been a lifelong dream of mine and until I’m able to fulfill it somehow it will still stay a dream of mine as long as I’m alive. If only I could get over all my fears I would even try it all on my own. Although a helping hand from a supportive husband or significant other will greatly reduce my fears especially if there’s someone to aid and assist and make sure I won’t be hurt in any way. Also, encouragement from that person will greatly lessen the burdens of fear and guilt too. For now though it seems I’ll have to start contempt with oral pleasures between myself and dogs only until or when one day I finally have enough courage to get down either on my back for missionary (still one of my biggest dreams of having my “first time” with a dog) or get down on all fours for a dog or dogs to jump on me and mount me thoroughly. It’s a dream I SO much wish I have already fulfilled… Just the mere thought of having it for real has me getting the hornies ALL crazy… It’s literally my biggest desire EVER!!!!!
Trust me, there are many men in the world such as myself who dream of meeting a woman with your interests and helping them have full penetrative animal sex!
Great story and enjoy your adventure!
I’m sure we’d all like to be kept abreast of any progress
Thank you so much. I’ll definitely update if and when there is any more progress. For now I’m just enjoying oral pleasures SO much with him and would love to extend it to other dogs too as I LOOOOOVE it SO much especially returning the favour on him
Thank you so much for sharing, it has been an amazing read. I am sorry you do not have the support in your journey.
My Lady is very interested, and I am here to find and educate myself with others experiences, and hopefully find others that can give her the experiences you have had. and more.
I hope you are not discouraged, and continue your sexual journey. We are here as your support!
Thank you so much for sharing, it has been an amazing read. I am sorry you do not have the support in your journey.
My Lady is very interested, and I am here to find and educate myself with others experiences, and hopefully find others that can give her the experiences you have had. and more.
I hope you are not discouraged, and continue your sexual journey. We are here as your support!
It’s a pleasure and you’re welcome! Thank you so much. Yes, it’s really sad when the person in your life gives absolutely no support on your journey with something as most amazing as this…

Your Lady you say? Well, I definitely hope you find all you are looking for. I’m also hoping to have more experiences of course.

I won’t be easily discouraged, I’mWAY too into this for that! I will definitely continue my sexual journey with animals and I want to broaden my horizons and branch out to other species of animals too though I think male dogs will forever stay my most favourite creatures of all to indulge in sexual activities with! Thank you so much again! It really touches deeply!
Thank you for sharing. If he truly cares for you, he needs to embrace whatever makes you happy.
It’s not always as easy as that… He truly cares for me but that is just something that goes against his whole being and probably how he was brought up as a child though I didn’t see HIS Mum have any problems when their dogs or our’s sniff HER or me. She never pushes them away but even giggles when they do it and she doesn’t scold them when they sniff me or even my Daughter.
Hi everyone. Well I’m new on this site though I’ve heard about this site recently from someone I recently had over and noticed our dog trying to sniff me, she said I should let it even though I kept blushing and kept pushing him away, she even added to venture more and then suggested I should search for zooville join it and educate myself or see if I’m interested more… well here I am. I’ve said already I’m married in another thread… so yes I am, little over 10 years now. I don’t want him to know about this at all… yes I’m quite interested even before that woman visited our house. I’ve been into kissing dogs truly making out with them since I can remember. I’m 28 now still loving it with each and every dog I can get it on with. Husband knows this and well he believes it’s disgusting and gross especially when I kiss our pet dog a black lab which he points out to me all the time that they lick their privates and even their asses which I’m very well aware of thank you hubby for your health concerns. Yes even while kissing he’ll go lick at his sheath and yes his sheath has droplets at times at the opening, cloudy, mucky like droplets but so has many others had over the years and it’s never caused any health issues in me. Also, yes he licks his ass too in between us kissing but his ass is probably cleaner than any human’s ass and again I’ve never over all the years had any health issues from kissing him while he’s been back there in between.

Mouthfulls yes I’m sorry, not sorry but well like I said here I am and yes I’ve had some experience more than just kissing and being sniffed. Ever since the first dog sniffed my crotch I’ve been intrigued by it and well eventually it lead to my allowing it without pants on to also when I’m wearing skirts or dresses but I never allowed them near me like at night when I wouldn’t be wearing panties. Yes I’ve never worn panties to bed, loose fitting shorts maybe but mostly I’d only be in a top especially a light pajama top the types that are sleeveless but only have little straps. Then my panties changed from mostly cotton or satin like fabric full brief types to more racy ones like mesh and lace boy shorts to eventually thongs and g-strings of all sorts as long as they’re rather sexy types and even crotchless little things. Needless to say they’ve already tried licking and lapping through those dull full panties too but now it was hitting closer to “home” so yeah it got the better of me one night over at friends at a house party having had a drink or two too many and choosing a dark spot away from everyone I went to pee as the house was too crowded as well as the outbuildings around the pool and I needed to go bad so I squatted there in the almost dark and about halfway through there was that almost familiar lapping licking but this time full on not with panties of any sort in the way as I had pulled the panties to the side with my skirt hiked up. I wanted to stop it but the doggo just kept going at it and also I couldn’t stop peeing. Thing is I, even though all embarrassed actually enjoyed it too much and I wasn’t even drunk just a little tipsy. So I let my “new friend” go at it and oh my it went on pass peeing into a most explosive orgasm as it just kept licking and licking at my pussy nonstop. So I never told anyone why I was away so long but from there I started letting them lick me more and more as much as possible until the point I’m totally addicted to it as embarrassing as it is (I grew up in very strict conservative community and still live in very strict conservative community so yes I really have no one much to talk to but I’mat a time in my life I’m thinking of going further than being licked all over. Before I allowed them licking my pussy I did allow them licking my sweaty feet especially in between my toes which almost everytime got me off after just a couple minutes. Yes some of them can lick that intense and yes it’s one of my most erogenous zones or areas or whatever you want to call it… my feet especially my toes and more specifically between my big toes and second toes, also between the next ones.

Okay I apologize if this belongs to another section rather than introductions like if there is a confessions section or section you can tell of your experiences or first times. If so, please tell me and I’ll move it there if I know how or can figure it out.

I’m really thinking to explore more but it all depends.

Thank you for letting me join whoever is in charge as in moderators or admins or such I hope I can stay long here in “my new home”.
I’m really sorry to hear your husband is not support your sexual want’s. It’s my dream to find a woman like you and share all of those sexual adventures with you. Never stop trying to make your dream come true.
What a real pity!!!!! Especially after her saying if they could only consent. And yes, I fully agree, them licking and mounting het definitely amounts to them giving consent. If not, you would’ve had to force every dog into licking or mounting you which I’ve NEVER really seen except maybe with neutered dogs when coming to mounting but even neutered dogs I have found to be very happy AND eager to lick us!!!! Oh my soul how I wish she would come around especially with such a supportive husband as yourself!!!!! If only my husband was as supportive and reacting like you did to your wife concerning consent I’d be on my knees instantly and going like “Well, what are you waiting for honey, go get that horny pooch of ours and help him mount me already, will you!?”.
I agree that animals can give consent.

The fact that it's not expressed the same way as humans is a slippery slope that evades the issue. Humans who can't speak or write, or who are deaf or dumb, can still give consent. Consent doesn't have to be given in a traditional sense. It just needs to be understood. Nobody who has sex with their spouse, who's in an apathetic and generally unresponsive mood, is going to be accused of having sex without that spouse's consent. Why not? Because even if they didn't do anything to actively encourage it, they didn't do anything to reject it either.

Animals can't speak or write, but they can still express themselves. When you ask a dog if they want to go for a walk or if they want a treat, I don't think their human partners would fail to say the dog can't express the fact that they do want those things. Even cats know what a treat can mean, and they exhibit very definite behaviour that approves of it.

If a dog doesn't like what you're doing, you're going to get growled at or bitten. And if a horse doesn't like it, you could get kicked. People who think they'd like to try having sex with animals without their consent should be afraid (as well as ashamed).

If we understand the positive reactions of animals to certain everyday cues, then it makes very little sense to me to not also understand the same kind of positive reactions to sexual cues. If animals can't consent to sex, then they also can't consent to being fed, pet, taken for a walk, or anything else. Yet nobody complains that those everyday events are abusive to animals on the basis that they can't consent to them.

So, for me, the most common argument against sex with animals—that they can't consent—is simply flawed on multiple levels. People who object can't really object because of a lack of consent if they think about it (unless I'm missing something), but are simply having a built-in negative response to the idea of sex with animals. And they are coming up with the best argument they can think of in response, which also happens to be the one that's thrown out almost all the time. Philosophically, at least in my mind, I'm more understanding of a "I find that disgusting" response than of a "they can't consent" response.
Ahoj všichni. No, jsem na tomto webu nový, i když jsem o tomto webu nedávno slyšel od někoho, koho jsem nedávno navštívil a všiml si, že se mě náš pes snaží očichat, řekla, že bych to měl nechat, i když jsem se stále červenal a stále ho odstrčil, ona dokonce jsem přidal, aby se odvážil více a pak navrhl, že bych měl hledat zooville, připojit se k tomu a vzdělávat se nebo zjistit, jestli mě to zajímá víc… tak jsem tady. V jiném vlákně jsem již řekl, že jsem ženatý... takže ano, už je to něco málo přes 10 let. Nechci, aby o tom vůbec věděl... ano, docela mě to zajímá ještě předtím, než ta žena navštívila náš dům. Od té doby, co si pamatuji, jsem na líbání psů opravdu rád. Teď je mi 28 a pořád to miluji s každým psem, se kterým to zvládnu. Manžel to ví a dobře si myslí, že je to nechutné a hnusné, zvláště když líbám našeho mazlíčka černou laboratoř, na kterou mi celou dobu ukazuje, že si olizují své soukromí a dokonce i zadečky, čehož si velmi dobře uvědomuji, děkuji, manželko pro vaše zdravotní problémy. Ano, i když se líbá, olízne si pochvu a ano, jeho pochva má občas na začátku kapky, zakalená, špinavá jako kapičky, ale to se stalo i mnoha jiným v průběhu let a nikdy mi to nezpůsobilo žádné zdravotní problémy. Také ano, také si olizuje zadek mezi námi, když se líbáme, ale jeho zadek je pravděpodobně čistší než zadek kteréhokoli lidského a znovu jsem nikdy za ty roky neměl žádné zdravotní problémy z toho, že jsem ho líbal, když byl mezitím zpátky.

Plná ústa ano, omlouvám se, ne promiň, ale jak jsem řekl, jsem a ano, měl jsem nějaké zkušenosti víc než jen líbání a očichávání. Od té doby, co mi první pes očichal rozkrok, mě to zaujalo a nakonec to vedlo k tomu, že jsem si to dovolil bez kalhot, i když mám na sobě sukni nebo šaty, ale nikdy jsem si je nepřipouštěl k sobě jako v noci, kdy bych chtěl. nemít kalhotky. Ano, nikdy jsem do postele nenosila kalhotky, možná volné šortky, ale většinou bych byla jen v topu, zejména v lehkém pyžamu, které je bez rukávů, ale má jen malá ramínka. Pak se moje kalhotky změnily z převážně bavlněných nebo saténových tkanin plných krátkých typů na více šmrncovní, jako jsou síťované a krajkové chlapecké šortky, až nakonec tanga a G-stringy všeho druhu, pokud jsou to spíše sexy typy a dokonce i malé věci bez rozkroku. Netřeba dodávat, že už také zkoušeli olizovat a propíjet ty nudné plné kalhotky, ale teď to bylo blíž k „domu“, takže ano, jednou v noci u přátel na domácí párty, kde jsem popíjel, mě to chytlo. příliš mnoho a vybral jsem si tmavé místo daleko od všech, šel jsem se vyčůrat, protože dům byl příliš přeplněný, stejně jako přístavby kolem bazénu a potřeboval jsem se pokazit, takže jsem tam dřepěl skoro ve tmě a asi v polovině tam bylo, že skoro známé olizování, ale tentokrát naplno, ne s kalhotkami jakéhokoli druhu, protože jsem je stáhl na stranu a sukni jsem měl vytaženou nahoru. Chtěl jsem to zastavit, ale pejsek v tom prostě pokračoval a taky jsem nemohl přestat čůrat. Věc se má, i když se všichni styděli, vlastně jsem si to až příliš užívala a nebyla jsem ani opilá, jen trochu opilá. Tak jsem nechal svého "nového přítele" jít na to a ach můj, pokračovalo to čůráním do nejvýbušnějšího orgasmu, jak to jen neustále olizovalo a olizovalo mou kundu. Takže jsem nikdy nikomu neřekl, proč jsem byl tak dlouho pryč, ale odtamtud jsem je začal nechávat olizovat víc a víc, jak jen to šlo, až jsem na tom úplně závislý, stejně trapné, jak to je (vyrostl jsem ve velmi přísných konzervativních komunitě a stále žiji ve velmi přísné konzervativní komunitě, takže ano, opravdu si nemám s kým moc povídat, ale v životě přemýšlím o tom, že půjdu dál, než abych byl celý olizován. Než jsem jim dovolil olizovat mou kundu dovolilo jim olizovat mé zpocené nohy, zejména mezi prsty, což mě téměř pokaždé dostalo po pouhých pár minutách.

Dobře, omlouvám se, pokud to patří do jiné sekce, spíše než na úvod, jako pokud existuje sekce zpovědí nebo sekce, kde můžete vyprávět o svých zkušenostech nebo prvenstvích. Pokud ano, řekněte mi to a já to tam přesunu, pokud budu vědět jak nebo na to přijít.

Vážně přemýšlím, že prozkoumám víc, ale záleží na všem.

Děkuji, že jste mě dovolili připojit se ke komukoli, kdo to má na starosti, jako jsou moderátoři nebo admini nebo podobně. Doufám, že zde zůstanu dlouho v „mém novém domově“
Ahoj,jsi úžasná žena. Chtěl bych poznat ženu jako ty . Je mi líto, že je Tvůj manžel proti. Být Tvým manželem nebo milencem tak Ti splnim vše jen si vzpomeneš.
Uhhh... anglicky prosím
Ahoj, jsi úžasná žena. Myslím, že budete také velmi atraktivní. Jsi můj sen. Rád bych poznal ženu jako jsi ty. Možná mě někdy mrzí, že je tvůj manžel proti. Být manželem nebo milencem vám splní vše, jen si vzpomeňte. Jinak si myslím, že by ti měl pes nejdřív zauzlovat kočičku. Abyste věděli, co vás čeká. Každopádně byste na to měli připravit anál. Ježíši, co bych dal, kdybych ti mohl pomoci. Držím palce a těším se na vaše novinky. Walda
Hi everyone. Well I’m new on this site though I’ve heard about this site recently from someone I recently had over and noticed our dog trying to sniff me, she said I should let it even though I kept blushing and kept pushing him away, she even added to venture more and then suggested I should search for zooville join it and educate myself or see if I’m interested more… well here I am. I’ve said already I’m married in another thread… so yes I am, little over 10 years now. I don’t want him to know about this at all… yes I’m quite interested even before that woman visited our house. I’ve been into kissing dogs truly making out with them since I can remember. I’m 28 now still loving it with each and every dog I can get it on with. Husband knows this and well he believes it’s disgusting and gross especially when I kiss our pet dog a black lab which he points out to me all the time that they lick their privates and even their asses which I’m very well aware of thank you hubby for your health concerns. Yes even while kissing he’ll go lick at his sheath and yes his sheath has droplets at times at the opening, cloudy, mucky like droplets but so has many others had over the years and it’s never caused any health issues in me. Also, yes he licks his ass too in between us kissing but his ass is probably cleaner than any human’s ass and again I’ve never over all the years had any health issues from kissing him while he’s been back there in between.

Mouthfulls yes I’m sorry, not sorry but well like I said here I am and yes I’ve had some experience more than just kissing and being sniffed. Ever since the first dog sniffed my crotch I’ve been intrigued by it and well eventually it lead to my allowing it without pants on to also when I’m wearing skirts or dresses but I never allowed them near me like at night when I wouldn’t be wearing panties. Yes I’ve never worn panties to bed, loose fitting shorts maybe but mostly I’d only be in a top especially a light pajama top the types that are sleeveless but only have little straps. Then my panties changed from mostly cotton or satin like fabric full brief types to more racy ones like mesh and lace boy shorts to eventually thongs and g-strings of all sorts as long as they’re rather sexy types and even crotchless little things. Needless to say they’ve already tried licking and lapping through those dull full panties too but now it was hitting closer to “home” so yeah it got the better of me one night over at friends at a house party having had a drink or two too many and choosing a dark spot away from everyone I went to pee as the house was too crowded as well as the outbuildings around the pool and I needed to go bad so I squatted there in the almost dark and about halfway through there was that almost familiar lapping licking but this time full on not with panties of any sort in the way as I had pulled the panties to the side with my skirt hiked up. I wanted to stop it but the doggo just kept going at it and also I couldn’t stop peeing. Thing is I, even though all embarrassed actually enjoyed it too much and I wasn’t even drunk just a little tipsy. So I let my “new friend” go at it and oh my it went on pass peeing into a most explosive orgasm as it just kept licking and licking at my pussy nonstop. So I never told anyone why I was away so long but from there I started letting them lick me more and more as much as possible until the point I’m totally addicted to it as embarrassing as it is (I grew up in very strict conservative community and still live in very strict conservative community so yes I really have no one much to talk to but I’mat a time in my life I’m thinking of going further than being licked all over. Before I allowed them licking my pussy I did allow them licking my sweaty feet especially in between my toes which almost everytime got me off after just a couple minutes. Yes some of them can lick that intense and yes it’s one of my most erogenous zones or areas or whatever you want to call it… my feet especially my toes and more specifically between my big toes and second toes, also between the next ones.

Okay I apologize if this belongs to another section rather than introductions like if there is a confessions section or section you can tell of your experiences or first times. If so, please tell me and I’ll move it there if I know how or can figure it out.

I’m really thinking to explore more but it all depends.

Thank you for letting me join whoever is in charge as in moderators or admins or such I hope I can stay long here in “my new home”.
Yea, absolutely great intro and welcome! I’m new here as well, but been thinking and talking about it for years. On here to meet and talk to people about it and hopefully make some friends. Good luck and can’t wait to hear all your new adventures!
Ahoj, jsi úžasná žena. Myslím, že budete také velmi atraktivní. Jsi můj sen. Rád bych poznal ženu jako jsi ty. Možná mě někdy mrzí, že je tvůj manžel proti. Být manželem nebo milencem vám splní vše, jen si vzpomeňte. Jinak si myslím, že by ti měl pes nejdřív zauzlovat kočičku. Abyste věděli, co vás čeká. Každopádně byste na to měli připravit anál. Ježíši, co bych dal, kdybych ti mohl pomoci. Držím palce a těším se na vaše novinky. Walda
Hi, you are a wonderful woman. I think you will also be very attractive. You are my dream. I would like to meet a woman like you. Maybe sometimes I'm sorry that your husband is against it. Being a husband or a lover will fulfill everything for you, just remember. Otherwise, I think the dog should tie your pussy first. So you know what awaits you. Anyway, you should prepare anal for this. Jesus, what I would give to help you. Fingers crossed and looking forward to your news. WaldoHi, you are a wonderful woman. I think you will also be very attractive. You are my dream. I would like to meet a woman like you. Maybe sometimes I'm sorry that your husband is against it. Being a husband or a lover will fulfill everything for you, just remember. Otherwise, I think the dog should tie your pussy first. So you know what awaits you. Anyway, you should prepare anal for this. Jesus, what I would give to help you. Fingers crossed and looking forward to your news. Waldo
Really!? There are!? The porn normally looks like the woman has to tease him first by playing with his cock before he gets excited and then mostly they just stand there. I’ve never seen one go up to a woman and sniff het between her legs or start licking her from the get go. In fact, I’ve never seen a horse lick a woman at all.

I’m more familiar with male dogs but have been licked a couple times by females and returned the favour on them too as well as rubbed and fingered them but in my experience they are not as eager to want sexual pleasure as the male dogs are. That’s only my experience though and they are just as eager to lick my pussy as the male ones are though but not sure how they will react to a man’s penis as in my opinion it’s again the strong musky smell and taste of my pussy that attracts them just like with the males dogs.

The returning the favour part and rubbing and fingering them also only happened recently when I was dogsitting my friend’s dogs for her when she was away on holiday with her fiancé for three weeks. All three females… I let them took turns going down on me licking my pussy for me to orgasm each time. Then cause I was now used to jerking and sucking our dog’s cock I just couldn’t resist trying a dog pussy too and also having the courage now to try so I started first with the Border Collie, the smallest one of the three. Started rubbing her, then fingering. As I was busy with her I turned to her one other mate, a white Labrador and started doing the same to her. I finally ended up with my friend’s beautiful German Shepherd but it seemed none of them were really very into it. Also when I went down on them they would just lay there. At least they allowed me to lick and eat their pretty dog pussies out for them.
This is such a hot read. I enjoy how descriptive you are. It’s exciting to be able to dive into a kink. Sometimes it should remain a fantasy and it doesn’t work out as you dream. Other times, like in the case of animals, this sis super exciting and more incredible than what we fantasise about.

From there it just develops more and more. I love your journey. Thank you for sharing.
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