My intro…

I agree that animals can give consent.

The fact that it's not expressed the same way as humans is a slippery slope that evades the issue. Humans who can't speak or write, or who are deaf or dumb, can still give consent. Consent doesn't have to be given in a traditional sense. It just needs to be understood. Nobody who has sex with their spouse, who's in an apathetic and generally unresponsive mood, is going to be accused of having sex without that spouse's consent. Why not? Because even if they didn't do anything to actively encourage it, they didn't do anything to reject it either.

Animals can't speak or write, but they can still express themselves. When you ask a dog if they want to go for a walk or if they want a treat, I don't think their human partners would fail to say the dog can't express the fact that they do want those things. Even cats know what a treat can mean, and they exhibit very definite behaviour that approves of it.

If a dog doesn't like what you're doing, you're going to get growled at or bitten. And if a horse doesn't like it, you could get kicked. People who think they'd like to try having sex with animals without their consent should be afraid (as well as ashamed).

If we understand the positive reactions of animals to certain everyday cues, then it makes very little sense to me to not also understand the same kind of positive reactions to sexual cues. If animals can't consent to sex, then they also can't consent to being fed, pet, taken for a walk, or anything else. Yet nobody complains that those everyday events are abusive to animals on the basis that they can't consent to them.

So, for me, the most common argument against sex with animals—that they can't consent—is simply flawed on multiple levels. People who object can't really object because of a lack of consent if they think about it (unless I'm missing something), but are simply having a built-in negative response to the idea of sex with animals. And they are coming up with the best argument they can think of in response, which also happens to be the one that's thrown out almost all the time. Philosophically, at least in my mind, I'm more understanding of a "I find that disgusting" response than of a "they can't consent" response.
Okay, first I thought your feedback is supportive but then as I started reading your part on courage and fear of being bitten or attacked I am not so sure anymore… My lack of courage has never been due to the fact that I tried forcing a dog into having sex with me. In fact, I’m just WAY to scared to even go down on all fours alone with a dog. Just lay year January in my country there was a maid almost ripped completely apart by three Pit Bull Terrier’s at her employer’s home. I don’t know both sides of the story but it’s pretty gruesome especially when you see that this woman basically has no face left and that they’ve apparently eaten the flesh from her arms and legs too. As I said I don’t know how all the facts and there’s such a thing as sensation media too as it sells. Maybe she was never nice to them though apparently they’ve always been kept behind a fence and couldn’t get out and subsequently into the house. Maybe her reaction when she saw them come running into the kitchen where she was at the time was threatening to them. I don’t know. What I do know is what I saw even now after over a year and many reconstructive surgeries she has still almost no face. Up to recently she didn’t even have lips. Her face is one big round blob and she’s constantly in pain. And this is not the only horror story, there’s even children, even children growing up with these dogs, that has been gruesomely attacked by dogs and claims that they didn’t provoke them in any way. I also don’t want to go like many people fending for dogs saying “Oh they must’ve peester that/those poor dogs!”. I know however that there’s lots cases it’s very true that they provoked said dog(s). Hell, even one of our dogs had a major stroke and died on the spot as kids were outside the gates antagonising our dog and yelling at it, laughing at it and even throwing stones at it him. Unfortunately I also have my own experience as a Kid with dogs when I was just running around as a toddler with them laughing and being just silly and one had gone after me though my Dad was luckily there to grab him or I would’ve been maimed by him. Also I’ve had dogs growl at me, shown teeth and even nip at me trying to push them away when I thought it was enough playtime or if I’ve been licked enough or just off I really had to stop like when somebody might be coming or we got company. These are all things that scared me and influenced me so much that I have absolutely NO courage to try getting alone on all fours with a dog. It literally took me ages, and from the help of a member on here to even finally touch ours and eventually use my lips, tongue and mouth on him… but I’ve touched enough already on that. There’s other fears I have too apart from getting bitten or maimed like getting badly scratched and I really don’t want to wear anything or much at all the first time I try it. There’s also the fear of what damage that bone inside the dog cock may inflict upon me. I certainly don’t want to take a visit to the local ER having to go like “Oh you see I was just trying to see if our dog will fuck me and then THIS happened!!!!!”. Same with what if something goes wrong if I get knotted by him and by some unknown factor he gets startled or frightened (extremely loud thunder for example which is very unpredictive here where we live) and pulls out with a sudden strong motion trying to run away and again I’m left with a maimed pussy. All things no one has yet been able to guarantee me one hundred percent wouldn’t EVER happen. And yes, I might be overreactie in all of this but I’m NOT going to take chances where I might just end up needing to take a trip to ER. Also, I don’t want to sit with maimed private parts… I’ve read of horrible encounters where the girl got it piercing her anus wrongfully instead of going in her pussy. Also when read of guys trying it and ended up injured, in excruciating pain and having had to go to ER. I’ll NEVER force ANY animal to do anything. It’s my credo. I know when animals don’t give consent. When they resist. Or they start showing aggressiveness if people try to get or make them do things they don’t want to do or don’t like to do. If EVER a dog is to show that he has absolutely NO interest in what I’m trying to invite him to I will immediately let go. I won’t even try anything further and just let go. So far luckily EVERY dog so far has shown lots interest and excitement in what I invite them to and I see that as consent.

I fully agree, there’s no such a thing as s dog can’t give consent, especially merely based on the fact they can’t speak in an understandable language to us. They actually do have a language they have and that is behaviour and body language that will clearly tell you if they’re giving consent to something or if they’re not. Yes rather say you find it disgusting than uttering pure and utter nonsense of an animal or animals being unable to give consent. If the latter was true you should NOT indulge in ANY activities with them, not even patting them or running your hands affectionately over them or take them for walks or do anything with them.