Moving on

When I looked for a new canine companion some time after my longtime boyfriend had died and I came close to give a new dog a home a few times, I panicked. One aspect which certainly contributed to the panic was that a new dog would mean that my old boyfriend's place would be taken—a final sign that he could never come back anymore. :cry:
This is the curse of being a zoo. Our partners usually have a much shorter lifespan then us.

I still remember the very first mare I bought. The story of how we ended up with each other felt like destiny, and have so many fond memories of her and me wandering through the forest. When she passed away I never thought I'd have someone like that again.

Traveled the world for a while, came in contact with many different philosophies. And came across a beautiful passage in a Buddhist book. It compares our life to a waterfall. Before our life we are part of a river. When we are born our journey down the waterfall begins, as individual droplets. But in the end we all end back up at the bottom, together again as the river of life continues.
I don't know why, but this passage brought me great comfort.

Since then I found a new partner, not to replace my first mare, but to add to my circle of love. As well as my dogs and all the other critters running around here. I know I will probably outlast them all, be heartbroken, but know we will join up again further down the river.

I know it sounds a bit hippy dippy, but that is how I cope with lost lovers.

Hope it helps you out a bit.
that feeling will never really go away.... what i'm afraid of the most is what that feeling will be like after multiple partners. other thing i'm very afraid of is every subsequent partner subconsciously meaning less and less to me in order to avoid the pain after they depart....
I fondly remember dogs I had 15-20 years ago. The passing of a really good dog...that just so happens to be your lover is painful, it never gets not painful. I square it with I gave them the best life I could while they were a part of mine.
Thats the only way you'll find peace, miz Roxxi....any halfway good dog gives his or her best to the person who belongs to him or her. The short lifespan is, like a bloom, limited, but like a bloom, leaves a memory of beauty behind. They deserve the same in return; if you gave back only half of what each gave you, smile....and remember
Adding a post script: its the same with horses. I first cowboyed in the summer of 67, as a no-experience, but willing, wanna-be. The Foreman put me with a critter known as 'Jarhead'. He was noted for being "snide", aka, unwilling to learn....for three seasons that ol' sonuvabuck taught me everything I know about cattle, a good bit about sheep, and something of bears....not the black bears that are more nuisance than dangerous, but ol'Ephraim...."he who must not be named" in mountain lore. Wyoming has its share...that horse knew what I didnt, and kept me outta more trouble than I could have used. The only winter I stayed out there, I hitched a hatband outta his tail hair...after way too many years, its still on my favorite Stetson. Yeah...I remember....every single one.
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My gf thinks that way too. I in other hand I feel very selfish in not giving my home and my time to a dog in a shelter. Yes 2 weeks or 4 for processing but after that.. it's time to save another
Ever since I lost blitz it's like as much as i want k9 cock i cant help but think of my old lover yes it was my first knot and lover that we both bonded and were inseparable but like I really want something like that again but it's hard .. has anyone else felt that way

Very sorry for your loss, but hoping you find another perfect lover.