Men, does your dog lick your feet?

I honestly dont mind, and truthfully after walking or working all day a tongue and slobber massage is certainly a treat. However, I could spent hours cleaning between a dogs footpads with my tongue. The short answer is I love claws. Big claws little claws. dewclaws or downright hooves. seeing them clear and clean with a happy animals foot underneath makes me quite happy. Maybe because i dont let other people clip my nails. always hated it when my mom did it haha. I feel trust with an animal's foot in my mouth. they think about the danger of their sharp bits while putting a really sensitive area right by my toothy bits. if its fun its really fun
I'm not a feat person, but I always enjoy a good feet licking from my dog. There's something about their tongues that's so special.
How often would your dog lick your feet? Do you they do it without prompting? Do they lick them regardless of how sweaty they are? And (finally) does it often lead to sex?
She is always hungry and always love lick everyone. Everytime when me, my son or fiancee have eat - she staring at us and begging for small pieces from plate :)