Lost my beagle back in October

She was my first dog and she was a sweetheart. The last few years had been kind of rough with congestion issues and various health problems, the final straw was when her eyesight went and she started howling in pain from the pressure. I had to get the emergency vet on the phone and pull my wife outta work at 7PM, and we took her to the vet and she couldn’t tell what was causing the buildup of pressure in the eyes.

My wife and I had multiple discussions in the past about quality of life and when we would call it, she went on for three years longer than the very first time the topic got brought up of putting her down.

She gave some damn good rimjobs and licks, I’m going to miss her greatly. Hoping the wife will open up to the idea of getting another dog in the future. She doesn’t know I’m into this sort of thing and I will probably end up taking this secret to my grave. I love my wife a great deal but she just isn’t really sexual although we do have sex on a decent basis.