If Beastiality was Legal, would you do porn?

Mmm no i wouldn't do porn. Instead i'd rather just enjoy the fact that i can be intimate and not go to jail (eg) i can have as much animal sex in my house as i want and if my neighbours happen to hear or see anything...theres nothing they can actually do about it 😊 my family too!
you meet a lot of fabulously fun men -- and you quickly meet the real person, often quite at odds with their public persona. It's interesting, and an interesting lifestyle...
I have never related more to anything on this site.
Making porn for money is one of the lowest and most uninventive ways of making money and always in every single instance known of to me leads to animal abuse or exploitation over time.
I agree that there can be no money involved with the animals, it will always lead to abuse. Also, I don't really care if sex work is inherently deemed uninventive, because if I can shake my ass for an hour and get 10K, I will have more time to work on everything else. Making porn is more like a fun side project than a career.