Guilty Pleasures

Punching a hole in my wall due to being woken up at 3 in the fucking morning just as I started to fall asleep, So I can go enjoy the wintry night air and head to the hospital to pick up the person I just had sent there. Woo sleep deprivation!
Having cake for breakfast cos it's easier than pouring out cereal. Being on here rather than getting any work done. Liking Jeremy Clarkson despite him being a complete and utter TW*T.

There's nothing wrong with loving chocolate as long as it's good chocolate. However if you buy crap chocolate you are promoting the degradation of civiliazation (unless you are a kid, in which case no one expects you to judge chocolate on anything other that how sweet it is and how much you can buy for the amount of money you have at the moment). Don't even get me started on the people who think that "white chocolate" or carob count as chocolate.