Getting to know people.


First things first, remember to not reveal any personal details as it could put you at risk! Your safety and privacy is important, so you should do your best to protect those things.

Alright, now that that's out of the way, hi! I'm GreyFog, a newbie here at this community, and I just want to spend a little bit talking with you folks here so I can get to know you better and get a better feel for this community. I'm not sure how to best go about that though, so I'll just open up with some questions and talk a little about myself.

1. How are you, and how has your day been?
2. How has the year been treating you so far?
3. Anything fun or exciting going on that you would be willing to share?
4. What's been your story with discovering that you're a zoo, do you remember any one moment that really helped to clarify your thoughts on being a zoo.
5. How open are you with your preferences in your day to day life?
6. How did you first discover this community and what made you decide to join?
7. What's been your experience with this community so far, and have you made any friends.
8. What's been your experience with animals, and is there any advice you would give to some who is only just beginning to navigate through their own experiences.
9. What's some other stuff you'd be willing to talk about( Music, games, hiking, etc.).

A little about me:
Hi! As I said before, I'm GreyFog, and it's nice to meet all you folks. I'm new here, and have very little experience with the community or being a zoo, and hopefully I can make some new friends here. I myself have only just been recently navigating my feelings around animals, and I'm still very much figuring out how to best tackle my feelings(Though those feelings aren't recent by any means. I've just not been thinking about them until now.)

My experience so has been that I've been attracted to animals from an early age, but I never put thought into my feelings until now. As for the impetus of those feelings, I used to watch a lot of movies with a focus on animals or talking animals( And anthro movies like Disney's Robin Hood.) as a kid. Movies like "Milo and Otis", "Balto 1 & 2", "The Aristocrats", and "The Bear, 1988", and I remember getting very tingly whenever one of the talking animal girls were on screen ( I really liked Aleu from Balto 2 when I was young.). I was also living in a very rural setting in my youth, and was surrounded by animals and wildlife, which certainly helped foster my attraction. One particular case was when we rescued a feral kitten that had been thrown in a bag on our property, and we raised her into our farm cat. I loved her as a kid, and I remember that one day , 2 or 3 years after she came to our home, she was sitting on my lap and loudly purring, which got me feeling very tingly everywhere and I really wanted to give her a kiss.

As I grew older, I kinda noticed that no one else had the same attraction I did, so I pushed it out of my mind until I graduated highschool. Towards the end of highschool I noticed that I liked anthro and feral artwork, which I explored and still enjoy, but never put in any thought into my feelings for real animals. It wasn't until college started up that I started to think more about it, and now here I am.

I myself have never been with an animal in a romantic or sexual manner, and I likely never will despite my feelings. I'm in a field that deals with animal science, so it brings up the ethics of being in my position and being romantically involved with an animal. Its easy to be exploitive with what I do, so it's a line I'd rather not tread.

As for my own sexuality, I like animals and I like girls. I think cats and foxes are the sweetest, cutest, and hottest things in the world, and I really like mares too. I'm not really into dogs, but I think wolves are very attractive.

I have never told anyone in my personal life that I'm attracted to animals and I most likely never will. My parents already think I may be a furry, which is already a point of contention, so I'm never telling them. I do have a friend who I suspect my be in a similar situation, though I ain't risking my friendship on it.

That's pretty much it for me. I'd love to here from you guys on your experiences , though don't feel pressured to respond. :)
1. How are you, and how has your day been?
2. How has the year been treating you so far?
I will NEVER understand the use of that question towards someone you don't know and are just introducing yourself to. What if the person in question has had a really shit day/week/year? Do you really want to be bombarded with that as an introduction and have to feign condolences towards a complete stranger? Or would you prefer they just lie and give a generic "eh, not bad"? What do you gain from that?

Just last night I had someone on a dating app open with "how's it going?". I answered with an honest "lately, fairly depressed". The "conversation" came to a screeching abrupt end.

And then there's the people who call my work and for some ungodly reason treat it as a social call and ask "how are you today?". "Umm, being asked by a total stranger on a business call how my day at work dealing with fucktard customers is, how do you think? What the fuck do you want and why are you calling here?"
I will NEVER understand the use of that question towards someone you don't know and are just introducing yourself to. What if the person in question has had a really shit day/week/year? Do you really want to be bombarded with that as an introduction and have to feign condolences towards a complete stranger? Or would you prefer they just lie and give a generic "eh, not bad"? What do you gain from that?

Just last night I had someone on a dating app open with "how's it going?". I answered with an honest "lately, fairly depressed". The "conversation" came to a screeching abrupt end.

And then there's the people who call my work and for some ungodly reason treat it as a social call and ask "how are you today?". "Umm, being asked by a total stranger on a business call how my day at work dealing with fucktard customers is, how do you think? What the fuck do you want and why are you calling here?"
I'm asking from a place genuine interest as I think it's important to let my peers know that despite being a stranger, I do actually want to know how they are doing. I wouldn't have bothered to type out the questions if I didn't have an interest in the response. I also understand that sometimes it can help to just vent to a stranger because you don't have to deal with the stress of worry about a friend trying to placate you. With the trend of isolationism in society these days, I believe it's important to pay attention to each other and hear each other out.

You don't have to answer the questions you don't want to either, in fact you don't have to answer any of the questions at all. The point of the post was what I stated it was, to get know people here better and to help better understand the community. I don't understand why that would make you upset, but since it looks like it does, feel free not to respond to my posts. No once is forcing you to. I hope your work week isn't as shitty as it sounds, and I hope you get to enjoy the weekend when it rolls around. As someone who works 16 hour shifts, I can understand being burnt out by work.
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Welcome GreyFog!
Sorry you had essentially defend your sincerity towards a combative response to your introductory thread. Usually you can get a few more post in before coming across some of the more ornery members. I had to lurk for a while before finally meeting some very kind and helpful/friendly members. Now I'm slightly worried I just painted a target on my back, but. I'm overtired making me be quite irrelevant and prolix...
Thank you for the welcome! It's appreciated.
Welcome GreyFog!
Sorry you had essentially defend your sincerity towards a combative response to your introductory thread. Usually you can get a few more post in before coming across some of the more ornery members. I had to lurk for a while before finally meeting some very kind and helpful/friendly members. Now I'm slightly worried I just painted a target on my back, but. I'm overtired making me be quite irrelevant and prolix...