Polish Rat

Citizen of Zooville
Hello, while browsing the web, I came across a website that archives photos and videos about bestiality. After taking a closer look at the links, I noticed that the site offers 1 TB of free file space and a file sharing option. I wonder if this is a good option to save some photos there that I find on the web, because I admit that saving links or photos on the phone is an average safe option. I would like to know your opinion on this page, whether it is safe and so on. You can also earn money from your files that can be bought with bitcoins among other things, so would be a nice option if I wanted to start recording something of my own. It's hard to find a nice cloud drive, and animal videos have been around for a very long time on this site
Great question. It may be okay, but cloud services are always a bit risky. Plus, it looks like your files are on a delete timer so it would not be a good place for backup storage.