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Female Dogs Enjoying Sex Out Of Heat?


The Floofy Administrator
Staff member
I know this is going to sound like me boasting, but it's not my intention one bit.

Okay, so male zoos who have female dogs, do your girls love sex out of heat? I've spoken with a lot of zoos over the years and it seems like bitches are usually not very horny or slutty unless in heat. I've also heard a lot of zoos claim that there doggie girl only tolerates sex out of heat and doesn't necessarily hate it at all, but aren't overly enthusiastic about it either. (I mean you see it all the time in zoo porn.) I feel like I might be in minority here, by having a girl who absolutely loves sex in and out of heat. So far, on here, people are telling me how lucky I am and how they wish their dog was slutty like mine. I'm actually new to having dogs, so how uncommon is this, did I win the doggie sex lottery?

So far my girl will flag during foreplay. She always looks back at me with a big smile on her face when fucking her. And when I finish she cleans me and then immediately cleans herself. Afterwards, she gets fairly playful. Then she get very snuggly with me, and wants her belly rubbed and to place her head in my lap. So I assume she's having a good time, and this is all out of heat.
I remember one incident when my dog and I went to a bigger meeting of zoos for the first time. A bunch of us humans were sitting outside in a circle talking while the dogs were playing and doing their business. Then, uncalled for, one of the bitches left the other dogs to come into our circle, humped her human's leg, he gave her a manual quickie, and she went to play with the other dogs again. She was out of heat. Now that I write this out it hardly seems worth mentioning, but back then this really broadened my horizon ... I had read before that female dogs are only interested in sex during heat and otherwise it's rape and whatnot ... Well, since that day I have known that this isn't universally true.

It's unfortunate that anti-zoos didn't see this. For us humans seeing often means understanding. We are visual animals.
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I remember one incident when my dog and I went to a bigger meeting of zoos for the first time. A bunch of us humans were sitting outside in a circle talking while the dogs were playing and doing their business. Then, uncalled for, one of the bitches left the other dogs to come into our circle, humped her human's leg, he gave her a manual quickie, and she went to play with the other dogs again. She was out of heat. Now that I write this out it hardly seems worth mentioning, but back then this really broadened my horizon ... I had read before that female dogs are only interested in sex during heat and otherwise it's rape and whatnot ... Well, since that day I have known that this isn't universally true.

It's unfortunate that anti-zoos didn't see this. For us humans seeing often means understanding. We are visual animals.
Haha, I'm sure that was a first hand learning expirence for sure! I'm mainly wondering how rare it is?

Eh... anti-zoos will always see how human-animal sex as rape, no matter if the animal is enjoying it or not.
Hello, folks since I don't own a dog myself and never had any experience, I wanted to ask if dogs actually do enjoy sex, even when they're not in heat cycle. And how I can tell.

Answers would be highly appreciated ?