Constant sexual thoughts about your animal?

Virgins may worry sex will take over their lives and minds, to this I say worry not. You'll still be the same person afterwards, just with another activity to consider doing sometimes. In other words its only those who already see others as objects to be used who will do this sort of thing.
After you and your animal have mated have you only thought about them sexually?

This is my worry if I do.
The question is... How do you see them after the sex act? The main motivation of doing it comes from the initial relationship foundation you two started.

If it is a innocent form of lustful yet respectable I can see that happening. As they consent to the action also.

If it's a pure love thing where you can't stop thinking of them after the act that's also another variable result you could have about them.

The main thing in the end is their happiness matters the most.

(Since you're putting it so vague be sure this is your fur friend and not anyone else's lol)
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If you are worried about this in the first place, that means it doesn't sit right with you. If that feeling stokes your animosity, you WILL have the power to make it go away. Especially if you care about your critter 😁
Just jack off already.
I never really think about sexual stuff with my pack mate. At least not constantly.