Bump if you've just had sex with your dog

Maybe it does count... but this is a place for a dog bumps haha...
So... 4,5 bumps haha
OK, I've decided that hubby getting it sloppy shouldn't count. so that really was only 4x...
but since then Bump x2 that's a total of 6 today. I think I'm going to say that's enough. I'm getting a little too scratched up
OK, I've decided that hubby getting it sloppy shouldn't count. so that really was only 4x...
but since then Bump x2 that's a total of 6 today. I think I'm going to say that's enough. I'm getting a little too scratched up
Well... 6... 6.5... hard to say what is and what is not a bump and hump haha
What I meant by "nice knot" was this time was a particularly nice knot from my boy. He nearly always knots me, but this time was about half again longer.
Well they do also have a nice knot...
Anyway in that case when it is a particularly good time... we can say... nice... knotting :)
Good thing I don't have to go to work today cause he's being really frisky. I've been up less than 4 hours and already
Bump x2 and he's making it obvious he wants to again!

There are no two without three ;);)
so lucky, I rarely reach the third due to my job, only some holidays XD
usually he only gets lucky once or twice in a day. 3 is rare and by the 4th time I know I'll be really sore the next day ( I am), but I still enjoy doing it. Yielding that much to his desire is like really becoming HIS Bitch.
Well I was going to make him wait a day or two since he had so much fun yesterday, but then we went for a walk through the park. Something about him rolling on his back in the snow and... As soon as we get home he's going to get a special treat. And he seemed to know it. I barely got the door closed when he was under my skirt. As soon as I was on all four, he was on me and in me!!

BUMP!! I was still a little sore from yesterday, but not so much now.... Hair of the Dog...?