Balls dropping

mastiffs take longer to mature than smaller breeds so i wouldn't panic just yet... if you want to be safe and sure, a vet visit wouldn't be a bad idea. cryptorchidism (one or both testicles not dropping) is a thing that can happen to dogs.
Males are mature at 1,5-3 years old - The bigger the dog the more it takes usually.
Regular vet checks to make sure he's ok. Nothing for you to worry about at this point.
My dogs balls were slow to drop. I want to say 8-12 months for both, as one took its time lol. Never hurts to call your vet and ask at least. Safe is better than sorry.
Your vet should have noted this at any checkup, and be watching. My new boy is coming into a year old, and he's only got one side of his gear down. Vet has advised to wait/watch for it to drop (1 ~ and up to 1.5 years), and we'll pay attention to it during office visits to make sure not twisted/necrotic, at which point some surgery would be required.