Thanks for being open and honest! I look forward to reading about your journey as it unfolds!
Lovely story to read. Being a female is so much harder to talk openly about all of this and I for one love chatting to people about the things I like. I have a male friend on here also and we are able to talk about anything and finding this site I feel like I will be able to talk to like mined people
very nice story to read
Why to be ashamed of something so beautiful. I understand 😢 One day we are all will be unleashed 😘 and make to world a better place!
I love hearing your have come to grips with your guilt and feelings - I am always interested in how people started down this road. Looking forward to part 2!
The zoo community needs more female perspectives on the zoo lifestyle. It's very refreshing to read real life events that apply to a lot of zoosexual's from a woman's point of view. Keep writing and I'll keep reading! Thanks
You're wonderful, hope we can chat soon...
Good to know others felt the same
Always good to know you're not alone <3
The truth is not always our friend. While I never actually felt guilty for these feelings, I did struggle (and still do) knowing that most people around me would find my lifestyle abhorrent. I'll keep an eye out for the next installment :-)
Coming soon is part 2!! I'm sure you still struggle with that part of it, heck I do too, but you're fine as you are and nothing will change that :)
Waiting for part 2
i'm writing it now it's just taking a while :) because i want to make sure it's great