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Bambi's Blog - The Doggy Diaries!

Bambi's Blog - The Doggy Diaries!

Hi y’all! My name’s Bambi! I’m a proud owner of a doberman/black lab (not his actual name, but I’ll call him Lou in these posts!) who I’ve been active with for almost three years now, but I’ve been orally active for quite a long time! As of writing this, I’m 18 years old! Nice to meet you all, if we haven’t met before!

I’ve been kinda wanting to write a diary about my life and zoo experiences for a while now, so here we go!

I wanna take an angle on this lifestyle that I don’t see a lot of people do and talk about stuff that i don’t think gets talked about enough… could be wrong though so if you don’t like what i’m talking about then you can carry on!

Today’s subject is *brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-crash!!!* relationships as a teenage zoo!!!

So, for the record, i can’t remember a point in my life where i’ve had a “normal” sexuality. As soon as I learned that touching myself felt good, i pretty much tried anything that i thought would feel nice (fruits in my house were absolutely not safe LOL). Eventually, one nosy dog got her snout between my legs when I was a kid, and that was exactly where the zoo urges started.

I had the standard imagination of what high school was like from the movies. Make lots of friends, go to parties, get your heart broken and all that… but that wasn’t really how things turned out for me.

I’m not crazy sociable and am a super introvert, but i still made a good amount of friends who i’m still in touch with today! I still got a lot of attention from guys, and got a boyfriend in my first year who we’ll call Brad (not his real name obviously lol)

Brad was pretty cute! He played some sports but was a total nerd/weeb like me, so we played games online for a while until we started meeting in person and going on dates. At the time my current doggy lover was just a puppy and aside from the odd lick I hadn’t gone too deep down the rabbit hole, so Brad was a pretty good outlet for my urges.

He wasn’t bad in bed and wasn’t bad with his cock either, but he wasn’t any sort of prodigy. He’d leave me satisfied but i always ended up wanting more afterwards… especially during oral, i’d imagine it was a big dog (like my old family dog) licking me and I’m pretty sure that’s what got me off more than how skilled he was with his tongue… sorry Brad.

After a few months together and 1 Valentine’s Day, Brad asked if I was really into him and if i could see us being together long-term. I felt guilty about it, but i gave him the honest answer and told him no. My friends were concerned that i was heartbroken over it, but i think he took it much harder than i did. He and i kept hooking up for nearly a year after that, but things between me and Lou started to heat up and i fell in love with his tongue after he had a bit more time to grow. Brad asked me the next year, even though we weren’t dating, if i wanted to be his Valentine… i told him I already had one and he backed off and we didn’t hook up again.

I wasn’t lying though! That Valentine’s day was when i took my first knot. It was the first time I’d had a dog inside me and I’ll never forget it. It was SO intense, so fast, and the knot somehow felt like it had teleported inside me. Thank GOD the house was totally empty cause i couldn’t have stayed quiet if my life were on the line. I honestly think what struck me is just how hot his dick felt inside me??? Like, it felt like a piece of hot metal… in a very pleasant way. My brain basically turned off for the whole time we were tied, which must have been for about 45 minutes, and so i had an awful lot to process afterwards.

Not gonna lie, i had a bit of a panic attack after taking my first knot. I remember leaking what felt like gallons of cum and wondering if it’d ever stop, if my pussy would EVER be tight again, and if i had just crossed a line i could never return from. I don’t think I got a wink of sleep that night, lol.

After a couple days where i didn’t even think of touching myself again and could barely look at Lou in the eye, i felt the urges come back. I realised that even despite the pain and the scratches and all the panic that came with it… it was the first time i’d ever felt fully satisfied with sex. After fucking brad, I’d bug him for more rounds and he couldn’t get it up. I pretended it was okay, but really it left a lot lacking for me. After pretty much every time my ex and i had sex, i was left touching myself when he left until i felt satisfied. My panic attack aside, i felt so physically satisfied by Lou.

Spoiler alert: getting mounted became a regular thing. I started kissing Lou, sucking him more often, cuddling and sleeping with him. It kinda felt like we went from pet and master to a married couple reaaaaally quick.

My parents’ jobs keep them out of the house a lot, so i had (and still have) a lot of alone time with Lou, so i was rarely (if ever) pent up. I didn’t really start looking for other human partners… boys at least.

I have had a lot of girlcrushes lol. All the way back to when I was super young, I remember looking at other girls (and a lot of my teachers embarrassingly) and feeling the butterflies in my stomach. That being said, as a woman, women are scary ;^;

I never really had the balls (or ovaries I guess lol) to make a move on the girls I was into, so the only girl on girl action i got was making out with some “straight” girls (yeah fuckin right lol) at parties. Furthest it got was grabbing boobs and butt and some dry humping, but nothing more than that!

Another guy (we’ll call him Vince) was a jock. He was cute but I didn’t find him anywhere near as interesting as i did brad. He was a big guy though and i was curious, so when he asked me to prom I accepted.

He was definitely big but clearly had no fucking clue how to treat a woman… lol. He had a rep as a man-whore so i was hopeful i’d have a better time, but nope!!!

“Did you cum?”
“Yeah… to my senses,”
(not my joke but it’s funny and it makes sense here lol)

So, anyways, Vince is the last human guy I slept with. For nearly a year now i’ve been totally happy with my life with Lou! He really is such a loverboy.

I wouldn’t really say that my love life has been like most girls i know, but i don’t really mind it? I don’t feel like i’ve missed out on anything too crazy, didn’t have my heart broken in any major way, and i honestly feel more comfy and settled with Lou than I could imagine being with any human guy. It’s like all the benefits of a boyfriend with undying loyalty and without the drama!!!

That’s my love life experience so far!!! Wouldn’t change it for anything. I’m starting to go on some dates this year and i’m hopeful I’ll manage to have my first time with a girl, and to have GREAT sex with a guy! With brad i felt like there were lots of moments of intimacy and closeness that i can’t get with a dog, and techniques and positions that you can do with a human but not with a pooch. I think there’s lots of fun to be had and i wanna see for myself really bad!

I’ve got some people i’m seeing as of writing this, so i may let you all in on the deets or maybe i’ll keep it on the down low ;)

Thanks for the read! Lemme know other things you might want to hear me write about below and I’ll consider doing another entry!

Love ya!!
Miss Bambi
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A pleasant story to read, in which @Miss Bambi clearly shows her feelings about sex.
I'm happy to have read this and by extension I'm glad that a place like this exists. I'm glad there is a space for people like you and the rest of us here can express ourselves as zos and not feel judged or lesser for it. I'm glad you're so optimistic about the future in regards to romance and sexuality.

Where ever you end up, I hope it's every bit of what you wished for it to be as you wrote the last of your paragraphs here. Makes me wish I wasn't the reclusive bastard that I am.
I like the way you write so freely and that makes me happy. It's a shame that when I translate it into Spanish I lose some content. See if you can add more details to what you say, that enriches and excites.
Brilliantly written!
Very sexy!
Well written experience.
Love this, thanks for sharing your story 😍
Very interesting read. It's nice that you're open to meeting the "right one" (even though your dog most likely is haha), as I believe that both dogs and humans bring different things to the table. It is also possible that you will value different things as you age.Your style of writing is interesting as I feel like I'm in a conversation with someone friendly who's just telling me about their experience which is a good thing. You also seem like a fun gal to be around. Unrelated, but I'm guessing you're fellow HxH fan from Pitou profile pic? ✨
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
thank you so much! i'm glad you liked the blog!!!

and yes!!! i love hxh, so guilty as charged >:3
Great read. I'd be interested to hear how you approach/plan to approach human dating as an active zoo. As I see it, our options are kind of limited: date normally and hide being a zoo forever (sad), date normally and hope your partner ends up being zoo positive/neutral (scary), or try to meet and date other zoos online (difficult and scary).
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
hmmm actually that's a good topic! i think in the near future maybe writing about future relationship stuff might be interesting. thanks for the review!!!
Your story really inspires me. I can't wait to hear more 🤤. You expressed feelings very well.
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
so happy to hear!!! :3